Watercolor Workshops on Sunday!


We are happy to offer watercolor workshops on Sunday now! Come join Lynnea Mattson for these fun classes!

Sundays 3:00pm-5:30pm


Adults & teens, beginners and intermediates welcomed.

Classes will explore the true beauty of watercolor. Sign up for one, several or all of Lynnea’s workshops!

September 15-October 13
Old Barns 

October 20 - November 24 (no class on November 17)
Halloween, Thanksgiving themes and maybe starting Christmas cards!

December 1- 29
Painting Christmas gift

January 5 – February
A snow scene

Feb 9 - March 15
Garden jewelry (such as bird baths, fountains, pergolas, tressels, and statues)

Intermediate instruction will build on the basic understanding of watercolor, present new projects, and evaluate the student’s knowledge to help with areas for improvement. 

Lynnea also offers open studio sessions on Wednesdays 1:00pm - 3:30pm ($20/class) when students can explore watercolor with a splash of mixed media. Lynnea will mentor these student-directed classes as personal projects are worked on. Once a month a new idea will be presented and demonstrated, some will use mixed media to broaden everyone's knowledge base.  Beginners and intermediates are welcomed.

For information and to register, please email Lynnea at lynneadanceswithwater@gmail.com.